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Fire Pro Wrestling D traducido al inglés

Fire Pro Wrestling D traducido al inglés
Empezamos el resumen semanal con la aparición de la traducción del Fire Pro Wrestling D (juego que sólo salió en Japón, por su temática) al inglés por parte del grupo de releases ReviveDC.

Esta traducción se debe a la celebración del 14º aniversario del lanzamiento americano de nuestra Dreamcast! (9-9-99). Lamentablemente, no podemos ofreceros la descarga (no hay ningún parche, deberán buscar la ISO completa).

La traducción no es 100% perfecta, pero se demuestra un gran trabajo del equipo. Os dejo el README completo en la noticia extendida!

Fire Pro Wrestling D - English Translation

Here you go. At long last. It has been a long time coming. irvgotti452 broke his back for you guys on this one, and it shows. I was surprised the first time I played it at just how professional this looks. And now, it's finally time for everyone else to get their hands on it since we first announced it. First things first, you're going to need to have some web browser settings registered. You won't need to connect to the internet. If you don't have settings registered (you can tell if you burn this and the network setting is greyed out), you're going to need to download one of the Dreamcast web browser discs. Just put in a bunch of fake information, then get to the point where it asks you if you want to save the information. Do so. Now, when you go back to Fire Pro the network option will no longer be greyed out. You need to do this so that you can access a save file that we stored on the disc to rename all of the wrestlers to have English names. irvgotti452 went ahead and put a video together that shows you how to download that save file from the disc here. That video won't cover setting up and saving the web browser data, but it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to put in a bunch of random numbers for a phone number, etc.

Note that this translation isn't 100%. The win screen isn't entirely translated because it couldn't be found. There were also instances where character space was limited (I don't know how Japanese people fit so much meaning into 5 symbols), so some things are abbreviated. The moves aren't entirely translated, but wrestling fans should know what they're called and you can preview the moves by pressing Y.

Besides irv's blood sweat and tears translating this beast, we also had to call in YZB because there was some funky stuff going on with the CDDA. He made the game his bitch and fixed it up for us. I would whine about how tedious cutting on the CDDA was, but my efforts pale in comparison. Speaking of the CDDA, there's about 10 more minutes of audio here than there was in Echelon's release.

I really wish I had more to say about this, but it's sort of hard to do. It's an incredible feat, it looks great and you just sort of have to check it out yourself. That's a cliche, but you really won't believe how great it looks until you see it for yourself since it's sort of my job to tell you how good it is.

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  • mani1985
    Esta noticia, me gusta!
    - September 23 2013 11:20:55
    • S
      emm entretenido juego
      - October 02 2013 21:19:12
      • S
        pero me gusta mas en genesis o megadrive
        - October 04 2013 21:16:20
        • Ryo Suzuki
          No hay una release de la que podamos sacar un parche en XDelta? Seria relativamente sencillo, no?
          - November 13 2013 02:37:19
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