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Dreamshell 4.0 Beta 4

Dreamshell 4.0 Beta 4
Sin hacer mucho ruido, nuestros amigos rusos acaban de actualizar el Dreamshell con abundantes y jugosas novedades!!

A continuación, el CHANGELOG original (en inglés):

— Reworked video rendering. Now he runs a separate process that allows not freeze all of the DS for work, or what the command, and the performance of this has contributed positively.
— Added support for external commands. Teams represent themselves separately compiled programs (ELF format), or lua scripts. Are they in the directory cmds.
— Updated library fatfs (to work with SD card) to the latest version, as well as improve its performance in the DS.
— Module sdiso now is not the module, now it is designed as external command. It also has been updated library fatfs and added support for long filenames.
— New command:
— bios : This command allows you to flash a BIOS (if you have a bios mod)
— gdrip : Team to rip GD-ROM to the SD card.
— hack : This command for hack LBA in a binary file. Maybe hack the binary directly in the ISO image.
— ffdev : Command to work with the SD card.
— dreameye : The command to save and delete photos from your camera dreameye.
— luac — Compiler lua scripts to bytecode.
— and other…
Just been handed down some internal commands to external, to facilitate a little core of DS.
— A little refined file manager. There were tooltips in the toolbar, as well as in the header shows the current path.
Also it has built-in support firmware bios (when you click on the file extension .bios) and rip GD-ROM.
— Added an application to install DreamShell in bios (if you have a bios mod). Now you can load DreamShell directly without disc with bios and SD card!
— Added a new app Region Changer 1.8.
— Added initial support network.
— Added module lwip, which is an alternative to built-in support network.
— Zip and bzip2 libraries were made in separate modules, to ease the DS core.
— Added a virtual keyboard, which works as a console and a GUI.
— Now L/R Shift of the joystick, you can call the console and the virtual keyboard.
— Speed up loading the DS core.
— Added the events mouseover and mouseout to GUI buttons.
— New features in the API.
— Lots of bugs fixes and optimizations.
— A little refined boot DS with an SD card.

Como nota final, el módulo sdiso no funciona cuando Dreamshell es cargado desde la bios (sí sí.... desde la bios!).

Es, por tanto, una descarga obligada para todos aquellos que ya lo usaban (y muy válida para los demás jeje). Lo encontraréis en su página web.

Más información y descargas (CDI, SDK, Docs...) -> DC-SWAT

7 comentarios

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  • mani1985
    indi nos alegras los dias!!

    PD: Pero si no tenemos adaptador SD, poca utilidad le podemos dar.
    - Agosto 16 2010 00:44:43
    • valdivia
      estos rusos son la leche jejej
      - Agosto 16 2010 01:05:44
      • Sonicccp
        En la Union Sovietica, la Dreamcast jugar por ti. bigsmile

        Jajaja, na, era un simil a lo padre de familia y el coche que tenia peter, jajaja
        - Agosto 16 2010 18:53:59
        • DyLucke
          Parece que la velocidad de transferencia, como apunta Ripfire no es gran cosa, no se si ira muy bien para ISOS pesadas, la verdad... Pero en cualquier caso, siempre podremos utilizar el shell para arrancar el homebrew que no requiere de grandes periodos de carga, ni accesos a memoria.

          Necesitamos mas ports de juegos independientes.
          Alguien estara trabajando en un Mp3 player para este Shell?

          Seria francamente lo suyo.
          - Agosto 18 2010 19:09:31
          • mani1985
            ohh reproductor divx
            - Agosto 18 2010 20:13:56
            • DC-TON
              casi nada, tremendo trabajo le han metido al dreamshell
              - Agosto 19 2010 18:53:22
              • O
                Exclentes avances, espero pronto veamos dreamshell para el HDD.....Saludos
                - Agosto 23 2010 00:46:56
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