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Ha caido la protección de Bleemcast GT2

Ha caido la protección de Bleemcast GT2
Este día ha llegado!! Aunque pueda parecer increible por fin existe un backup funcional de esta version de Bleemcast. Han sido los amigos de rusos de DC SWAT los que lo han logrado, demostrando de nuevo su valia en cuanto a temas de scene de DC.

Lo he probado y funciona, arranca al fin!! No tengo el juego aqui a mano, pero es seguro que Gran Turismo 2 funcionara. Esta gente no son de fakes precisamente.

No se que queda por caer ya de Dreamcast, que nos quedará por ver... ¿el día que se libere por ejemplo Castlevania? Pero de momento Bleemcast es un hecho.

Toda la info here.

P.D: Fijaos en el ini que tiene. Invito a modificarlo e intentar cargar otro juego ¿que no? xD

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  • gatoh
    Cuenta, cuenta!
    - December 17 2009 20:33:05
    • DSR
      la gente pide un full disclosure Neo!
      - December 17 2009 23:20:39
      • DSR
        existe una forma de dumpear el .bin de un gd(y ahora cd!) de bleem?
        quiero comparar el binario de alguna version final (tekken/gt2/blah) con la de los betas para ver que tan diferentes son realmente.
        a todo esto no me respondieron la pregunta anterior!
        - December 17 2009 23:28:05
        • warn1182
          muchachos muy bacano este emulador es algo que no hace ni la misma xbox, las graficas las mejora demasiado los felicito.bigsmile
          - December 18 2009 06:02:25
          • Guaripolo
            we put a thousand monkeys with a thousand of computers to break the bleemcast protection, and here's the result. Now we have to wait until the monkey-grid get the way to run every existing game in psx.
            Seriously, it's always a matter of time that some protection get broken, i think that the original intention of mr. Linden is complete, ten years without any copy is just an awesome work.
            - December 18 2009 06:12:44
            • DCDayDreamer
              Sorry to rain on the parade here but Bleemcast has not been cracked at all, working backups of all releases have been available for some time (and before the idiots ask - real supporters do not need to post any proof just for reputation). Backups are just backups - it's as simple as that!. There are no cracks involved whatsoever, it's all about copy protected software duplication, you can do anything as long as you really want to.

              When Bleemcast is REALLY CRACKED, it'll play EVERY PlayStation game without crashes, without graphic corruption, without FMV's missing, and without any prepubescent wasting countless hours trying to achieve something they never will.

              Rand Linden deserves more respect than this news post.
              - December 18 2009 06:24:53
              • Neoblast
                Rand linden has achieved the greatest scene engineering work for dreamcast, that fact will not change, the security system for bleemast! was and still is a masterpiece of engineering as well.
                - December 18 2009 12:58:11
                • F
                  @ DCDayDreamer: In order to work, this disc has been manually edited in HEX directly in cdi format to bypass many copy protection nobody beside Randy Linden could even have though about doing. THe guy who did this reverse engineered it completely on his own by looking at the cdi and guessing what it does.

                  If that isn't cracking, I wonder waht is.

                  Also, you should be happy that this is released, period. It's already a miracle we got it working as the retail.

                  - December 18 2009 13:59:30
                  • DC-TON
                    Es más, con esto se añade un nuevo episodio a la leyenda del Bleemcast.
                    Además tampoco se sabe muy bien quien a liberado este crack/back-up (¿?¿?)
                    - December 19 2009 17:32:15
                    • Gromber
                      pero si ya existia una backup funcional, al menos yo la he tenido.
                      - December 19 2009 19:51:39
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