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Y Redux: Dark Matters ya se envía

Y Redux: Dark Matters ya se envía
Ahora es el turno de Redux: Dark Matters, que ya ha empezado a enviar las primeras unidades a los compradores!!

Añadiremos el trailer oficial de lanzamiento, porqué es bonito xD

Redux: Dark Matters is the up and coming space shooting game with fresh scoring elements and an incredible soundtrack composed by Andre Neuman featuring legendary video game composer Chris Huelsbeck (Turrican, R-Type). Featuring arcade style visuals with in-space, robot blasting, shooting game action. Developed by René Hellwig from NGbigsmileEV.TEAM (GunLord, Fast Striker, Last Hope and DUX) and programmed by KTX Software Development.

* Arcade Style Visuals
* 7 Stages with Huge Boss Enemies
* Tons of Weapons
* Arcade Gameplay and Addictive Scoring System
* Awesome Soundtrack Composed by Andre Neumann

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