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Girl Fight no saldrá en Dreamcast

Girl Fight no saldrá en Dreamcast
Si hace unos días se comentaba el rumor de ver un port de Girl Fight, hoy os comentamos que... naranjas de la china xD.

Una lástima la verdad, para mas info chequen la pagina oficial en facebook

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Update for Dreamcast fans: unfortunately, a Girl Fight port to Dreamcast won't be possible. We were excited about the idea, but after a lot of research, we've found that it's just not going to be possible technically. We're hard at work on a few projects right now and won't be able to handle the development ourselves, and finding an outside team that can handle a Dreamcast project of this size has proven incredibly difficult. Sorry to all of you who were hoping for this port to happen - we were too. Please check out Girl Fight when it comes out (soon!), though, and keep an eye out for our other upcoming projects.

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  • mani1985
    También me lo imagine... una pena...
    - April 30 2012 11:00:01
    • panteric
      I couldnt imagine cause these days people have moved on to new consoles that can offer more. The Dreamcast is over 13 years old we can enjoy what it had to offer and still enjoy the homebrew thats being released.
      - April 30 2012 19:02:44
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