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Acabo de publicar la última beta de mi emulador de SuperNintendo para Dreamcast. Las novedades principales son:
- Acelerado +10fps.
- Soporte para VMU y SD-Card.
- Guarda Savestates y SRAM.

Para muestra un video:


28 comentarios

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  • Guaripolo
    1) your dreamshell is wrong/old. Download it again.
    2) you are using it wrong. I just copy the bin into the sd card, then launch it with dreamshell file explorer. Once that snes4all starts, you can swap the cd (with one that has roms inside) or just simply open roms from the sd card.
    - March 31 2011 03:35:20
    • Anthony817
      Well, I have Dreamshell 4 beta, and I click file explorer, I'll try downloading Dreamshell again and burning a new cd, maybe that will fix the problem? Thanks again for the help. wink
      - March 31 2011 03:48:55
      • Anthony817
        I know Dreamshell is working becuase I have loaded SDISO's on it before. I just redownloaded if from his site and it does the same thing.

        I feel so dumb right now, but other than this and Dcplaya, that is all I have had problems with. I have tested them both on 2gb and 32gb cards to make sure it is not my SDHC card causing the problem.
        - March 31 2011 04:10:44
        • O
          Muchas gracias por tu curro. Te he donado unos eurillos, aunque te merecerías un monumento wink
          - March 31 2011 22:31:48
          • Chui
            Muchas gracias!
            - April 01 2011 10:46:29
            • Anthony817
              Well, my problem has been resolved thanks to Basil, he gave me an SDISO version of this emulator that does work on my system. For some reason, it only showed the Dreamshell console when I would load the other 3 bin files I tried.

              Maybe this can be of some help to others that are having the same problem as I?


              No roms included.
              - April 03 2011 05:26:24
              • Sonic3192
                ¡¡¡Increible!!! Muchas gracias, eres el mejor.
                - April 04 2011 05:45:34
                • alexislight
                  hola chui, tengo un par de cosas que comentar acerca del emu snes4all q ya las hable con indiket y me sugirio que las pnga aqui. bueno lo primero es que despues de 10 minutos mas o menos de jugar a estos juegos: earth worm jim2 y captain tsubasa 4(este ultimo traduccion al castellano) el emu se me paralizo y ya no hubo forma de continuar, solo tuve la opcion de apagar la maquina. y otra cosa es q no pude hacer andar la rom de el thales of phantasia este tambien traducido al castellano mientras la rom ntsc-u si funciona pero la presentacion brilla por su ausencia! bueno ni bien pruebe y encuentre algun otro inconveniente se los reportare! saludos! smile
                  - April 18 2011 06:18:42
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