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Al principio las consolas europeas se vendían con cable RF que se sustituyo posteriormente por cable A/V.
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scientist194515 year hace#2674
Que bien se ve la devbox bios en la dreamcast, me pregunto si podrian hacerla como NTSC, en naranja, saludos!!!XD
Indiket15 year hace#2673
no es domingo y tenemos nuevo port xD
Indiket15 year hace#2672
Alex, posted on main page smile
kadorna115 year hace#2671
Yup, that happens on all dreamcasts. But you haven't answered my question bigsmile
alex15 year hace#2670
About reloading.
On video, runs piracy CD disk. GD disks are started without reloading.
kadorna115 year hace#2669
Pretty cool. Any chances of getting it on a disc like the region changer disc with some EASY hardware modifications?
alex15 year hace#2668
you can find it here:
alex15 year hace#2667
It's not original dev-box BIOS
It is hacked HKT0120 dev-box BIOS v1.011.01
In fact, now it is standard BIOS, but with loading as at HKT0120.
you can find it here:
alex15 year hace#2666
In fact it is an ordinary dreamcast, having on board two BIOS, original MaskRom + rewritable FlashRom,
console can work both on original and on modified BIOS, at any time, you can switch between the
kadorna115 year hace#2665
ME TOO!!!!
SEGA Saturno - Saturn, SEGA y Videojuegos