Dreamcast games that exist in GD-R, Silver or White Label form:
- Arcade 3-in-1 (Jambo Safari/Brave Firefighter/Emerg.Ambulance)
- Black & White
- Castlevania (80% complete, 3 levels)
- Dee Dee Planet (a demo was released)
- ECW Rulez [USA] (pre-release)
- Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas (pre-release)
- Gunvalkrie
- Half-Life + Blue Shift (pre-release)
- Half Life ?Demo? White Label (pre-release)
- Heroes of Might and Magic III (pre-release)
- Innocent Tears
- Internet Game Pack
- M.S.R. [Japan]
- NFL Blitz '99
- Planet of the Apes
- PBA Bowling 2001 (pre-release)
- Propeller Arena (pre-release)
- Quake III Arena [Japan] (pre-release)
- Striker
- Take the Bullet (45% complete)
- Test Drive Cycles (early beta)
- Tony Hawk 3
- Worms pinball (?beta?, sold years ago on Ebay)
- There was given away Genesis emulator [Japan]
Dreamcast games that exist within DEV-box's:
- Agartha (random data from pics to game files)
- Colin Mcrea 2.0 (unknown status)
- Defense Commander [extra internal work]
- Geist Force (two difrent builds exist WinCE/Katana)
- Ecco 2 (early build)
- Hellgate (late build with features like: VS serial link mode)
- Midnight GT (unknown status)
- QuakeDC [extra internal work]
- System Shock 2 (early build)
- Thief 2 (early build)
Dreamcast games that exists but unknown "storage" and dev status:
- Baldur's Gate
- Gorka Morka
- GP 500
- Grand Prix (Microprose/Hasbro)
- Picassio
- Soul Reaver 2
Saturn games know to exist in CD-R:
- Chill [EUR]
- Clockwork Knight: Pengin' Wars
- Crime Patrol
- Destruction Derby 2
- Dream Knight
- Major Damage (two builds exist)
- Return Fire [EUR]
- Sonic X-treme (very very early build)
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- There is yet a Saturn CD-R with Dreamcast Content like: DEV-Docs and other info.
I will compile other lists for other SEGA systems but not now. Need feedback to fuel the work and time. :D
Guaripolo escribe:
I think that black and white might be on this list. Also, Dragonriders - Chronicles of Pern, Picassio, Test Drive Cycles.
Test Drive Cycles already is on the list. No need to add, thanks. Dragonriders: Chronicles of Pern was released I did pick it up at a store around 2002 (PAL version) Black and White apart from its "official" case cover and manual I know only rumors that the game exists, Anyway new add to the list, thanks
Mekanizer, you should check this post by ron made some time ago. It's a list of cancelled games.
There are some errors (ex: Alien Front Online), but lots of others (Max Payne, GunValkyria, Castlevania, Dee Dee Planet)
More Dreamcast game that exist in GD-Rom, Silver or White Label...
DC-TON I will do it, But I have lots to read, from IRC talks to emails and going to msn too. Ihis is part of my long lost data that iam puting my eyes on it once more.
He encontrado esta página web dedicada a juegos unreleased, aunque los listados son tan grandes que no se hasta que punto serán reales. Ahí va el de Dreamcast:
por lo que dice en mis revistas sobre videogames(ARGENTINA) del tiempo de dreamcast el BLACK and WHITE estaba en un 80% de su desarrollo,palabras del(en ese entonces) director de lionhead! Mark Webley!
I'm pretty sure Ecco 2 is in GDR too. drx have a prototype, and I think we shouldn't list it as early build, I don't remember very well but have several levels almost finished.
Another thing, "- Half Life ?Demo? White Label " Never seen it, anyone have Half Life in White Label?? I believe is only in GDR or the files leaked in internet... ¿white label?
Trying to fix another one "- Test Drive Cycles (beta)" Maybe we can list this like alpha o a very early prototype. Beta is very generous for the level of development of this game... I believe.
In the Sega Saturn side, you can add for example Waterworld from ocean. This game was completed 100%, but never released. I think in CD-R and maybe the files in the dev station.
Lo del Castlevania colega, puedes "investigarlo" mirando la entrevista que habia a sus desarrolladores -en EOL lo pusisteis, creo- en el que decia los niveles que tenia el juego. Con esa info y esta nueva que nos dan saldremos de dudas si encaja o no...
Lo de Commandos 2, tienes una referencia a eso en un articulo de Blai aqui en esta misma pagina.
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