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Existen 30 ediciones de Dreamcast con colores y acabados distintos.

Proto del Metropolis Street Racer del E3

Última actualización en 14 year hace
Ryo SuzukiRyo SuzukiAdministrador
Publicado 14 year hace
No sé si Blai lo tiene este documentao por aqui. El caso es que yo no lo conocia, se trata de MSR: E3 2000 unreleased GDR version. Supongo que una version beta de unos 6 meses antes de que el juego saliera.


¿Sabiais de el? ¿Que puede tener intereante?

Lo teneis en la pagina de OLD ENGINEER donde podeis ver mas cosas interesantes:

NeoblastNeoblastSuper Administrador
Publicado 14 year hace
La versión del E3?
Juraría que la vi en assembler tiempo ha.
Shenmue es mi regalo para los jóvenes del siglo XXI

"Yu Suzuki"
MekanaizerMiembro Júnior
Publicado 14 year hace
There are at least two betas(or demos) of MSR around the net for download.

Plus that one on that site that is the E3 2000 beta. And it looks like the owner of that site has it too. And he has others, look here:

Crazy Taxi 2 version 0.900
TXR2 version 0.802
Tee Off version 0.907
SegaGT is a review version so it most be final or near final
Virtua Striker 2 is a review version so it most be final or near final
MSR E3 version
????? the other game I can't see it's title

And there is a even older beta of MSR that dates from 1999. The only thing that we know about it are the pictures from Magazines of the time.

And there are two retail versions of MSR too.
Don't dream, play Dreamcast!!!
Editado por Mekanaizer en 15-07-2010 03:18, 14 year hace
VasiliyRSVasiliyRSMiembro Júnior
Publicado 14 year hace


There are at least two betas(or demos) of MSR around the net for download.

What is the second beta ?
This one ?

I bought it and it`s coming to me now .

I guess first one is MSR Opel Challenge Bizarr *TRIAL* ...
Editado por VasiliyRS en 15-07-2010 12:35, 14 year hace
Publicado 14 year hace
Recuerdo haber visto fotografias o algo en alguna revista especializada en su tiempo, y me dio la imprecion de que corria a unos 60 Frames y que tenia mayor interactividad con los esenarios.
Dark Concept
MekanaizerMiembro Júnior
Publicado 14 year hace
Now about the retail versions:

Europe has 2 versions.
The first release of MSR in Europe had a clock bug were a race could only be played at night.
Then SEGA took the game from the stores and released a fixed version. Players with the buged version could request a FREE fixed version but had to hand over the buged version of MSR.

USA has a different version of MSR compared to European some extras were included.

The Japanese version that never was released there had nice extras like a couple of new cars.
Don't dream, play Dreamcast!!!
Editado por Mekanaizer en 17-07-2010 02:42, 14 year hace
Ryo SuzukiRyo SuzukiAdministrador
Publicado 14 year hace
Y cual es la otra beta que esta liberada? Meka.

Que yo sepa solo hay esta:


EDIT: And by the way, I hear something about someone that have the japanese beta of the game in GDR. Can be true?
Editado por Ryo Suzuki en 23-07-2010 02:06, 14 year hace
Publicado 14 year hace
I read that some of the tracks from the beta version of the game were not included in the final release.:|

Recent licensed Dreamcast game release: Karous (8.03.2007)
Recent Dreamcast game release: Rush Rush Rally Racing (4.11.2009)


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SEGA Saturno - Saturn, SEGA y Videojuegos