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6 años después de que SEGA cesara la fabricación de Dreamcast, todavía se siguen creando juegos para ella. Eso si, los juegos son comerciales pero no oficiales.

DreamPi 1.4 working with WiFi

Última actualización en
JakoMiembro Mayor
Siento no pasarlo a castellano, pero lo redacté directamente en inglés y es muy tarde ahora. Mañana si puedo lo traduzco. Pero vamos, funciona.


For curiosity I tried to make wifi works on DreamPi. I don't have so many interest on it because in my case i prefer the ethernet, but works ok. In Raspbian is easy to manage a wifi and is no need to install any driver, most of models works, its linux. I proceed a normal way to config it.

*First, you need to acces to the DreamPi via SSH (for linux), JuiceSSH (Android) or Putty (windows).
*Second, download in your phone the app "fing", connect it via wifi to the same network, and serch for the DreamPi IP, that helps to conect to DreamPi.

Ok, google will explains better than me how to connect with the indicated programs to the dreampi, al you need to know is that:

IP: usually 192.168.x.x
user: pi
pass: raspberry

Ok, if you done the things right, you are via console inside the DreamPi. At this scenario, we will begin to configure your connection, and change it from Ethernet to Wifi.

1. type on the console and hit enter:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Ok, we are inside a text editor, delete everithing and put this:

auto wlan0

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp

press ctrl + x to exit and save, press "y", and enter. You are on the console again. Right?

2. type on the console and hit enter:

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Ok, we are inside a text editor, delete everithing and put this:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


#Replace the xxx with the EXACTLY name of your wifi network:
#Replace the xxx with the EXACTLY name of your wifi keyword, if you security is wep, change the "psk" for "wep":

press ctrl + x to exit and save, press "y", and enter. You are on the console again.

3. OK!!! only left to type on the console:

sudo reboot

That will resets DreamPi and change from Ethernet to Wifi, now ethernet doesnt works.
If you done everything fine, you will see on your Andriod, on the fing app, your DramPi alive on your network again, but now via wifi ;-).

Of not, you failed on some steep. Try again sorry :-(.

4. And last step!

On your Dreamcast, via PlanetWeb or other Browser, ONLY, ONLY change the DNS config:

Save, reboot the Dreamcast, try a game and Enjoy!!!


*The only problem is that the DramcastNow Id changes :-(

Be Dreamcast my friend!!! yes
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