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Existe un periférico de Dreamcast que emula a una caña de pescar.
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sm1thsDC14 year hace#3039
Dreamcast.es smile
Indiket14 year hace#3038
Os hace hoy un nuevo port? bigsmile
kadorna114 year hace#3037
Hoy a la noche nos pegamos el vicio dieguito wink
Neoblast14 year hace#3036
Vega si, Solaris no
DREAMSTRIKER14 year hace#3035
hace mucho que no entro en ragol, Solaris esta encendido??
Ginete14 year hace#3034
Feliz año 2010 chavales
Sonicccp14 year hace#3033
feliz año nuevo a todoss
panteric14 year hace#3032
hey im really impressed with your guys work on this congrats Indiket for your port of Giana Sisters Return thats big news now i hope an SD adapter heads public or i can atleast get my hands on one
alex14 year hace#3031
I don't have other Siemens data cable, but if i can find it, i will update my tutorial.
I try ask my friend about Siemens data cable, maybe he have it (he work in mobile phone service center).
Indiket14 year hace#3030
Impressive job guys!
Alex, how is going your tutorial of using Siemens connector in the sd cable?
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