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They Hunger DC Pre-Final.

They Hunger DC Pre-Final.
Dreammatrix ha liberado la version pre-final del mod They Hunger DC con 3 episodios y 56 mapas disponibles. Asi mismo pide la colaboracion de la comunidad reportando posibles bugs para ser reparados en la version final.

Mas informacion: Hilo en los foros de DCFAN.

Gracias a alex por el aviso!

Dreammatrix ha liberado la version pre-final del mod They Hunger DC con 3 episodios y 56 mapas disponibles. Asi mismo pide la colaboracion de la comunidad reportando posibles bugs para ser reparados en la version final.

Mas informacion: Hilo en los foros de DCFAN.net.ru

Fixed some problems on textures inside the pvr.wads
Ported all monsters entities for they hunger ep3 from einar.dll to HLDC(Now it is a full port)
Descompiled and recompiled map they 55.
Added some new models from They hunger HD-PAK
Added save suport (but not on all levels, a message will apear when you can save...)

I tested here and this version is realy better, more stable and better frame-rate
All maps are loading but i don´t tested on all locals in all levels; because it is too long (56 levels)
Let me know if any map is freezing in the middle of the level in this case i will fix it for the final version.
If anyone finds any problem this will be the final version !

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