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ParanoiaDC Beta 3

ParanoiaDC Beta 3
OVERRiDE sigue imparable y muestra de ello es que ya está disponible la BETA 3 del mod del juego Half Life: ParanoiaDC.

Pincha en "Leer más" para ver el changelog respecto a la Beta 2.

Thanks Alex for the news!

DCFan Forum


x - Added Dreammatrix's most current Bunker map set

x - minor changes to langtags.txt

x - Finalize Menu GFX textures.
Modification of Menu gfx directory on HLDC.exe, now all menu gfx are on path cd-rom\valve\gfx\shell\
Addeded VQ compression to some menu PVR's for faster loadings.

x - Fixed sprites item_helmet on hud.txt, and weapon-select on weapon_9mmhandgun.txt

x - hassassin.mdl -> diversant.mdl on HLDC.exe

X - Add saves to Army map set, and add env_message "TIPS_SAVE"
4 - Great!
6 - Great!
8 - Great!
14 - Great!

x - army6 - look at what headshield model is used, and make visor chrome
- look at what armor models are used, re-compress brown flacjacket model ( bad texture ) "models/buzz/td_shmotki0.mdl"

x - army16 - Slowdowns! e_polys! Remove some cyclers and Add "Scene-Dependant Rendering"

"pizdabol2" trigger_render_off "konf"
"pizdabol1" trigger_render_off "konf"
"doza" trigger_render_off "dr_konf"

render_start_off: trigger_render_on "konf"

x - indust4 - Slowdowns! e_polys && w_polys! Remove 1x monster_generic
- "floating" knife problem? Bug was resulting from cycler's on p_indust3!!!

x - indust5 - Slowdowns! e_polys! Add "Scene-Dependant Rendering" for terror in secretroom.

"abu" trigger_render_on "dr_kontr1"

x - indust11 - Slowdowns! e_polys! Add "Scene-Dependant Rendering" and remove hach1 / sequence / relay!

"hach3" trigger_render_on "h0"

x - indust13 - Add plant sprites to replace transparent models

x - indust15 - crash on chnglvl after loading from ind11... __Changed _barney to _generic with smaller model -400kb

x - indust17 - crash on chnglvl to 18 after loading from ind11. (18->lq.wad & _barney replaced by _generic alpha_ind15.mdl )

4 comentarios

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  • Sonic3192
    ¡Que bien! mas juegos para Dreamcast
    - April 15 2010 21:12:07
    • mani1985
      - April 17 2010 12:10:59
      • alexislight
        ya lo baje ahora lo grabo y pruebo, igualmente no me gustan mucho los fps pero hay q darle las gracias a override y a todos estos tipos q la tienen clara(como al staff de creamcast.es) q no dejan q la dc decaiga!!
        muchas gracias a todos los q la apoyan y seguiran apoyando muchachos!
        - April 17 2010 19:56:59
        • DC-TON
          Inagotables OVERRiDE y Dreammatrix. smile
          - April 19 2010 12:03:54
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