rurounin escribe:
bahh acabo de hacer el primer intento con el dreamsnes usando el bootdream y nada , asi que voy a usar el metodo ese que he leido con un programa que se llama pike & dsinstaller.
Bootdreams, and the
DreamSNES 0.9.8 plain files.
Unzip the to your hard drive, you'll have these in the directory -
README. Delete all except for the "
cd" directory.
Place all of the ROMs you want into the "cd/roms" folder, and any MP3s you want to here at the menu into the "cd/sound" folder.
Extract Bootdreams to any desired location on your hard drive. Example: "
Doubleclick to run Bootdreams. Select either Discjuggler, Nero, or Alcohol 120 as the image type. Discjuggler is the best choice.
Under "Selfboot folder" browse to the previously mentioned "cd" folder. Under "CD label", enter the desired name for the disc image. Leave the "Disc format" on "Audio/Data", or change it to.
Make sure that under the "Extras" option the
ISO settings are all check marked.
Click the "Process" button, select "yes" for the create image question. When it asks for the main binary, select the "1DSNES.SH4" file, and select "yes" to the IP.BIN creation.
When the image is finished, test in NullDC with the right plugins, and then burn with your program of choice.
rurounin escribe:
Alguien ha probado el Dreamsnes en el nulldc ??? A mi no me funciona :(
Try different combinations of the Null/Chankast video, and audio plugins. One of them will work, but it won't accurately show you what it'll play like in a real Dreamcast...